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Backing Up Your Back

Ever had a really excruciating pain when picking up boxes or waking up? Can barely bend over when you need to? Back pain is normally felt in the neck and might spread towards the arms and hands, the upper and lower back which sometimes spreads towards the legs and feet. Back pain is a serious medical problem and these might be some of the causes:
  • Severe back pain that occurs with other signs of severe illness such as fever or weight loss may also indicate a serious underlying medical problem.
  • Back pain that occurs after a trauma such as a fall or a car accident should be looked into as these may have caused a fracture or other severe injury.
  • Osteoporosis or multiple myeloma can also be contracted by individuals with medical conditions and back pain.

However, back pain usually does not require immediate medical intervention as most of them are self-limiting and non-progressive. But it is still best to prevent back pain before it happens. Follow us as we take preventive steps to back up our back!

Unknotting Your Back Muscles

The last thing you need when you are having back pain is for stress which ties lovely 'lace knots' on your muscles. And like it or not, stress can really tie up your muscles and create knots. Anxiety can also intensify the perception of pain, turning a little discomfort into a huge nerve wrecking drumming machine for your body. Eliminating pressure from your life is near impossible but there are always ways to deal with it such as taking a brisk walk around the block or taking a 5-minute break to close your eyes and relax.

Load Off Your Back's Backload

Below are a few habits which can be practiced to help take the load off your back:

  • Try not to take on high-impact activities such as water skiing or bungee jumping and try to look for ways to limit impact when jogging such as doing it on the dirt track rather than concrete.
  • Do not sit or stand for more than a few minutes in the same position. Move around, flex your back muscles or take a brisk walk around the office.
  • When lifting heavy objects, bend your knees and keep the weight as close as possible to your body to avoid unnecessary strain on your lower back muscles.
  • Road vibration and sitting in one position for long periods of time is tough on back pain. If you are travelling long distance, try to take as frequent breaks as possible to stretch and stand.
Resources taken from Guardian - The one you trust

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